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Monthly Archives: July 2017

Some speculations on Whole Foods

Whole Foods Winston-Salem, before the lunch rush It’s interesting how much buzz there has been about Amazon buying Whole Foods. Even people who’ve hardly ever been inside a Whole Foods and who don’t use Amazon (people like my brother) have been talking about it. Everyone seems to suspect that this transaction may be the leading […]

Rich young creeps and their creepy visions

What is it about young tech billionaires that makes them so creepy? Partly, I’m sure, it’s the character flaws that they seem to have in common — hubris, arrogance, the assurance of superiority that goes along with their being very smart and having made themselves very rich. They also see themselves as visionaries who have […]

Increasingly violent and authoritarian propaganda

⬆︎ National Rifle Association ad ⬆︎ Trump assault ad: Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, talking directly to the American people If I were a right-wing propagandist, my big concern right now would be heading off catastrophic damage to the Republican Party if (though I would say when) Trump voters see their […]

Democracy in Chains

Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America, by Nancy MacLean. Viking, released June 13, 2017, 368 pages. This book has been out for just over two weeks, but already there are 65 Amazon reviews. With the exception of one 2-star rating, all the ratings are either 5 stars […]