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The life cycle of a storm…

A storm approaches from the west. Maybe with the right kind of lenses and filters it can be done, but there are some things that I find almost impossible to photograph. Skies, for one. Impressive trees. And views inside the woods. It would be interesting to discuss these problems with photographers with more experience and better cameras than I have. In the case of views inside the woods, I think the problem is that a flat photograph does not capture the three-dimensional effect. Woods have a depth that is very hard to capture in a flat photograph. In any case, here’s a sky photograph. It’s the approach of a storm. Summer storms here in northwest North Carolina always approach from the west, with a bit of northward drift. I wish I understood the meteorology of this better, but I think it has to do with the way airflows over the Southeast (in the summer) circulate around the “Bermuda High.” The Bermuda High, which dominates the weather here during the summer, is a high pressure system that moves around in the Atlantic between Bermuda and the American coast. When the Bermuda High in the right position for rain, humid air flows in a kind of circulation motion off the Gulf of Mexico into the Southeast, creating conditions for afternoon and evening thunderstorms. This particular storm didn’t bring much rain, but I didn’t complain too much because yesterday’s storm dropped almost two inches. In the Southeast, most of the summer rain comes from thunderstorms. Long, leisurely rains almost never happen in the summer. That pattern starts to change in the fall after hurricane season is over. Then we get real rain fronts that can sometimes last for days. Sometimes we get flooding from the summer rains, but the real reservoir-fillers happen during the fall, winter, and spring.

After this storm passed this evening, it left…

… this to the east, and …

… this to the west.

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