The Schubert Generation ★★★★

The PBS network has started a new season of “Great Performances.” The premiere of “The Schubert Generation” was Sept. 25, and it’s now available for streaming on the PBS web site (but only for a few weeks).

I don’t think there has ever been a bad episode of “Great Performances.” It’s a cultural lifeline for those who don’t have access to the world’s concert halls. The current series is hosted by the violinist and conductor Scott Yoo, who also, by the way, is a good interviewer. “The Schubert Generation” is partly a documentary about Franz Schubert’s short and tragic life (he died in poverty at the age of 31). Yoo visits several conservatories and talks with young musicians. Then they play Schubert’s chamber music and piano music.

The previous episode in this season (which I have not yet watched) is about Joseph Haydn. The next episode, “Becoming Mozart,” will be shown Oct. 2.

2 thoughts on “The Schubert Generation ★★★★”

  1. I may have lived too long but Schubert in jeans and athletic shoes makes me shudder. Sorry, I recognize I am an artifact from a bygone era.

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