Fracking video wins award

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Last year, No Fracking in Stokes produced a video, aimed at our rural constituents, to help them see how fracking would threaten their rural lifestyles by turning rural areas into industrial zones. This week, that video won first place and audience favorite at the Sustainability Shorts Film Festival at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

You can watch the video on Youtube through this link.

One thought on “Fracking video wins award”

  1. That video made me cry my eyes out — for all we’ve already lost, for all that is at stake, and for all that those heartless, faceless bastards want to take away from us. They’re robbing us blind, taking our lives, our livelihoods, our heritage. And they ain’t even from around here! Crooks, thieves and liars — can’t anyone stand up to them? Will we really sacrifice the Dan River for their corporate profits?

    I guess more people should think about where their fresh drinking water is coming from the next time they cast a vote.


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