House update


The fireplace was lit up today. Home is where the fireplace is. It’s been almost 20 years since I’ve had a fireplace, so I find that very exciting, even though it burns gas and not wood. To not have a wood fireplace was a pretty easy decision, though. For one, I could not afford a brick chimney over 30 feet tall. For two, I’m getting too old to mess with firewood. And for three, I wanted a reasonably competent and reliable heat source in case of power failures. This fireplace is vented to the outside. That made it a bit more expensive and pesky to install, but there are advantages to the vented fireplaces, not the least of which is that it puts out a bigger, more wood-like flame. I’m going to love being able to flip a switch and have a fire.


The ductwork for the heating and air conditioning system is almost done.


The plumbing and electrical work also is almost done. If there are no hitches, I may even be able to start the insulation work in a week or so.

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