You can’t have too much abelia

The bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies would agree: You can’t have too much abelia.

Abelia shrubs bloom almost all summer long. There are thousands of little dime-size blooms. Abelia is an old-fashioned and out-of-style relative of honeysuckle, though it’s not as fragrant, and (thank goodness) it doesn’t climb.

This abelia bush, now nine years old, stands in front of the abbey’s bay window.

Nearby, under the front porch, the hostas are in full bloom. ⬇︎

⬆︎ Hosta blooms. Click here for high-resolution version.

2 thoughts on “You can’t have too much abelia”

  1. These photos are amazingly beautiful. Almost like one could reach out and touch the plants. Your hostas have fared much better than mine this year. Not sure why as other plants are all ok.

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