Young Russians

Yesterday John Twelve Hawks posted on Facebook a link to this YouTube recording. A screen shot of his posting is below. John Twelve Hawks is reminding us that it’s not just Ukrainians who are dying in this war. Young Russians are dying by the thousands.

The recording is from 2019, so clearly the composer, Kirill Richter, wasn’t composing an In Memoriam for the war on Ukraine. Maybe he’s a bit prescient. Can we imagine how different the world might be if, instead of war, we had generous culture exchange between the West and the people of Russia and Eastern Europe? If it weren’t for social media, I for one would know nothing about the artists and musicians of Russia and Eastern Europe.

John Twelve Hawks is my favorite living science fiction writer. Unfortunately he hasn’t published anything new since 2014.

Kirill Richter, a young Russian. Source: Spotify.

2 thoughts on “Young Russians”

  1. Thank you David. Very nice.
    Prescient, is a strange word. Obviously it is a coincidence.

    Will buy a Twelve Hawks book today. Will you recommend one?

  2. Hi Henry… I think you should read John Twelve Hawks’ books in the order they came out: The Traveler (2005); The Dark River (2007); The Golden City (2009); and Spark (2014).

    I wish he’d hurry up with his next book!

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