
Ken by the solstice fire

The winter solstice was at 6:38 p.m. Eastern time on December 21. Ken and I observed the solstice properly with a fire followed by a hot meal and wine.

2 thoughts on “Midwinter”

  1. Did you two stay up for the eclipse? My three boys and I did, we watched it from the beach in Palm Beach. It was cold out about 40 degrees and windy but it was fantastic! Clear night no clouds great view! My 13 year old son said once it was a total eclipse that it resembled an old penny, and it did…. Long night however, we started watching at 1:30am until 4:00 am. They didnt have to get up the next morning but I had to be to work by 9…. Needless to say I was dragging but it’s something they will always remember… Things memories are made of!!! Glad to see Ken is back just in time to get out of the cold and into a warm bed!!!

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