The woods looked mighty fine in the snow this morning.
I met with an electrician from Madison and signed a contract for bringing in the temporary power. That was a tad over budget (by $100 — total cost, $750), but no big deal. I should have temporary power ready to use within the next two weeks.
I also met with a septic tank contractor this morning. His quote also was a tad over budget (by $100, total cost, $2600), but again, no big deal, and I probably won’t bother with any more quotes for the septic tank.
The septic tank guy did say, however, that he can’t get a backhoe in there for the septic tank until some trees are gone. All the trees that have to go are pines, and he said I can sell them for lumber. I liked the sound of that — revenue off the trees, which I don’t want anyway. I’d like to get rid of pretty much all the pines and give the entire five acres over to hardwood. The septic tank guy recommended a timber guy, and I’m hoping to meet with the timber guy tomorrow. I’m not expecting to get much for the trees — maybe a few hundred dollars. But at least I won’t have to pay somebody to take them away. Now the stumps, that’s a different story. Getting rid of the stumps will cost me, but if getting ridding of the trees is actually revenue rather than cost, I should still be well within budget for clearing trees for the house and septic tank.