Bob, my brother, finished putting the trim around the eaves and soffit of the pumphouse today. In the photos I posted last week, some of that trim was missing. So here’s a new photo with all the trim in place.
Bob with the finished pumphouse.
Notice that what Bob calls “the birds,” the facing on the soffit, has a slight gothic curve, as does the trim over the door. We’ll use these same themes on the wellhouse, which I plan to start early next month. I’ll let the wood cure a bit, then I’ll apply some sort of preserving finish on the white pine siding. I’m not yet sure what that finish should be, but to me the right answer is — whatever they would have used 60 years ago.
What is the difference between a pumphouse and a wellhouse?
Good question.
The pumphouse is a small building to house (and keep from freezing) the parts of the water system that aren’t in the well. That includes the pressure tank and the pressure control switch.
A wellhouse was a common outbuilding in the days before electricity. The well itself, with a windlass and bucket for drawing water, generally was near the wellhouse door. Inside were water troughs in which the milk jars were stored and into which cool water was poured and couple of times a day to keep the milk cool. I’ll post some example photos…