Mrs. Fox had a busy day

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I saw quite a lot of Mrs. Fox today. She crossed the yard several times as she went about her business, and she was hunting voles in the weeds. I couldn’t change lenses on the camera fast enough to catch her hunting voles, but it was fun to watch. She’d sit on her haunches, very still, and watch. Then she’d leap in a very high, graceful arc and come down with her jaws and front paws ready to make a catch. Unfortunately she didn’t get a vole while I was watching.

Mrs. Fox may be getting more and more comfortable being in the yard during daylight. I hope so. She makes a nice dog substitute. And I’m not absolutely sure that this is Mrs. Fox. It could be one of the pups she raised this year. These are the clearest photos I’ve been able to get so far, so I’m hoping the markings will help me distinguish one fox from another.

One thought on “Mrs. Fox had a busy day”

  1. what a unique paradise you live in – obviously the environment is perfect for all the wildlife, in spite of the weather you’ve had

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