From Mama's house to my house

Mama’s roses

All these photos were taken yesterday. I let the GPS device pick a route from Mama’s house to my place in Stokes. I told the GPS device to pick a route that led past a particular place along the Yadkin River where I’d remembered seeing an old mill 30 years ago, and I told it to stay off the main roads. What a route! I knew some of the roads, but others were completely new to me. This was an amazingly scenic route that just happened to lead past the places where parts of three movies were filmed: Junebug (Pinnacle, Stokes County), Cabin Fever (Priddy’s General Store, Stokes County), and Leatherheads (Donnaha, Yadkin County). This area is rich in agricultural history. More posts on agricultural history another day. It took me along the foot of Pilot Mountain. The route also led past two old Stokes County resorts — Vade Mecum and Moore’s Springs — and it took me past the entrance to Hanging Rock State Park, not to mention downtown Danbury (the Stokes county seat) and Priddy’s General Store, where I stopped to get a Cheerwine and say hello to Jane Priddy-Charleville, who runs the store. It took me past a winery that I was not previously aware of, about which I’ll post another day.

Mama’s young grapevines

The mill on the Yadkin

Machinery in the mill on the Yadkin

More of the mill on the Yadkin

Cogwheel at the mill on the Yadkin

Cadillac in the barn by the mill on the Yadkin

The hardworking owner of the mill on the Yadkin

Moore’s Springs, Stokes County

Pilot Mountain

Vade Mecum (Stokes County), now a summer camp

The road to Vade Mecum

A Yadkin Valley homestead

Another Yadkin Valley homestead

Residents of a Yadkin Valley homestead

Security guard at Priddy’s General Store

Priddy’s General Store

The owner of Priddy’s General Store

How they did it then

How they do it now

How they did it then again

One thought on “From Mama's house to my house”

  1. Just wanted to say I check your site from time to time and and pleased you are posting really beautiful spring pix of Stokes Co., which I hardly know at all. The frequency with which you are updating your blog also is good, b/c so many people start one and then post to it more and more infrequently. I live in Watauga which is just now getting spring. And BTW I share your disgust with Va. Foxx. Here’s hoping Roy Carter will give her a run for her money *she has tons!* this fall. He has promised to go after her and he deserves our support!!
    Brother Doc

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