My novel, Fugue in Ursa Major, is now in the final stages of production. Proof copies are being printed this week. As soon as the proof copies arrive, I’ll immediately get them to my distinguished first readers. And are my first readers ever distinguished! They are:
— Ken, already known to readers of this blog. Ken is often referred to these days as a new literary sensation. He’s also a tough critic, which I know because we’ve watched many movies together, then reviewed them the next day.
— James-Michael, an old friend who holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and who works for the state of California.
— Dean, an old friend who holds a Ph.D. in media law and is an assistant professor at a university in North Carolina.
— Doug, a retired engineer.
From these four first readers, I’ll get some good advice that will go into the final revisions. Then the book will go on sale, probably in December and probably in time for Christmas. The trade paperback version will be available at Amazon, tentatively priced at $11.99. There also will be a Kindle version, tentatively priced at $1.99, and a version for Apple’s iBooks.
Update: I’ve added another first reader: Pam, former managing editor of the San Francisco Examiner.