Squash is coming out my ears. I couldn’t bear another bit of it without turning it into something sinful. Solution: pizza.
The sauce is a pesto sauce made from garden basil. The squash is masquerading as pepperoni. It didn’t fool me. There is — no joke — half a cup of garlic in the pesto sauce. At the abbey, garlic is a vegetable, not a seasoning. The crust is homemade, though I have to admit that I have never learnt the knack of making a truly sophisticated pizza crust. I need to study up on that.
I am going to attempt to adapt this into my recipe for “crustless” quiche. Your pizza looks good. I will have to include a bit of cheese in my quiche though. Enjoy reading your postings so much.
I followed your squash recipe and it worked for me. Thanks
I read on different blogs about people having marathon pesto sessions to use up their garden basil – a local pizzeria owner from Sicily told me basil freezes really well – just put the leaves directly into a freezer bag and pop it in the freezer. then you can make pesto at your leisure during the basil free winter months (ugh I don’t even want to think about that right now).