Pancakes: Problems and solutions


There is no way to make pancakes into a truly healthy breakfast. But, sooner or later, we’re all going to give in to the temptation of eating them. I’m always looking for ways to make eating comfort foods more of a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

To be sure, it has been decades since I’ve eaten a pancake made of white flour. Yuck. My flour of choice at present is sprouted whole wheat flour. But it’s still just flour. How might we get the carb load down and the fiber and nutrition load up?

I’ve often used cooked apples as a topping for pancakes, but how might we do that with raw apples? This morning I grated two Granny Smith apples (the KitchenAid shredder made quick and easy work of it). I tossed the apples in maple syrup with some cinnamon.

That meant one pancake for breakfast instead of two, plus two fewer apples waiting in the refrigerator for me to figure out what to do with them. The apples were yummy prepared that way. There are worse crimes.



2 thoughts on “Pancakes: Problems and solutions”

  1. Looks really tasty – Maple my favorite. Did you “toss” as in a bowl or in a sauce pan for a bit of cooking?

    I wish you an abundant 2016


  2. Hi Henry… I tossed the maple syrup and the grated apples in a bowl completely raw. They wilt a bit and look cooked, but I’m sure that it’s because the sugar draws the water out of the apples.

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