Every snowfall is an excuse to shoot photos of the house. This photo is from the 10 or more inches of snow that fell on January 7.
The landscaping of the abbey is still a work in progress. There are 13 of the arbor vitae trees, most of which are about a third to half grown. The arbor vitae trees were a great choice, because they provide a lot of shelter for the birds. We finally found an old-fashioned mimosa tree. We’re thinking of starting some holly hedges. Ken is planning to start some walnut trees the old-fashioned way — by planting walnuts. We’re also thinking about a pecan tree.
Last year was a terrible growing year. Rainfall was a bit below normal — 40.5 inches for the year. The rain we had fell at the wrong times to optimize growth, and young trees were water-stressed for much of the year. Here’s hoping that the 2017 growing year is an improvement.
Luckily there are no power lines on abbey property. Power lines would subject our trees to the brutal trimming that rural electric companies do. The feed line to the house is buried. If you’re ever buying property, that’s something to keep in mind. You don’t want utility rights-of-way across your property.
This is my favorite picture of Acorn Abbey. I saved it and would like to enlarge and frame it, if OK with you. Just beautiful.
Hi Jo… I’m flattered. Ken took the photo. I’m sure he could send you a high-resolution JPEG, if you like. I believe you have my email address?
Beautiful:)Have you considered going off-grid David, or is your power reliable enough ?
Good job, Ken. Thanks for the reply, David. Actually, like it the way it is – just a tad muted. I had hoped there would be a picture of Acorn Abbey after the latest snowfall. Really enjoy your blog.
Hi Chenda… I don’t really have the capital to go off grid at present, as much as I like the idea. What Ken and I concentrate on instead is being prepared to get by if we were ever forced off the grid — for example, if Russian hackers ever took the American power grid down. 🙂 We’d be in pretty good shape — wood for heat and cooking, well water drawn up in a bucket, and so on. We are far from self-sufficient, though we work steadily at making the place productive by improving and expanding the garden and orchard, etc. At present Ken is building a second chicken house. I’m acutely aware that it takes a village. So if the Russians ever knocked us back to the Iron Age, neighbors working together is the only thing that could work in a sustainable way. In that regard, we’re well situated, because, other than woods, we’re surrounded by fields, pastures, and farming infrastructure that for the most part is no longer used but which could be put back into service.
Thanks David, sounds like a good strategy.
Hi! im new to your blog, i found your pictures through pintrest, im building the same house! is there anyway you could send me some pictures? id really appreciate it! ive been searching your blog for me. thanks so much for your time!
Hi Jonathan… The easiest way to get photos would be to click on the category labeled “The house” on the right side of the page.
thank you so much for your time! your house is beautiful! ill be sure to come back and let you know how ours turns out :)!!!!!
Your home looks lovely covered with snow.