Some old photos

Gladys and me, Winston-Salem, circa 1989. Photo by Gavin. Gladys had a stroke soon after this and completely lost the use of her legs. She slowly recovered, but she limped and dragged one of her hind feet for the rest of her life. She was the crippled collie. Gavin and I both were with her the day she died, in San Francisco, 1993. She is buried near Inverness on the Point Reyes peninsula.

My oldest friend is Gavin Geoffrey Dillard. We go back to 1972 or so. Gavin has been scanning photos from his collection.

Gavin Geoffrey Dillard, Tobaccoville, North Carolina, circa 1984. Photographer uncertain, possibly me.

Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy, Los Angeles, circa 1985. Photo by Gavin.

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