Honoring the tomato sandwich


Few things make better eatin’ than a tomato sandwich. And you only get them a couple of months a year, when tomatoes are in high season. Last summer, after 17 years in California, I was so starved for a tomato sandwich that I went out and bought some Bunny bread, which, in my opinion, is the best of the country-style white breads available around here.

This year, though, I’ve focused on lower carb alternatives to white-bread tomato sandwiches. Chapati bread, which I wrote about last week, serves very well. Just smear mayonnaise on a piece of the chapati bread and have some tomato, with a fork.


One of the things I’ve taken for granted since childhood is that, in July and August, there should be a row of tomatoes in the window above the kitchen sink, ripening in the sun. Does everyone do this? Or is it just something that ran in my family?

2 thoughts on “Honoring the tomato sandwich”

  1. I think we all have tomatoes on our windowsill, but they’re usually there because they’re not quite ripe and are soaking up the sun to get to their most delicious redness. Yours look beautiful. Ours here in the midwest aren’t ripening very well this summer with all the cool weather.

    There’s nothing quite as delicious as summertime tomatoes.

  2. Howdy,

    We have so many this year, that we’re farming them out to all on the block – kind of meatier than usual, and not as sweet. Our weather been extremely hot 106/7 in Northern California, cool nights, sometimes low as 58… so their not as red. Those on your counter look so delicious.

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