For eleven months of the year, blackberries are terrible neighbors. They come up everywhere. If you get anywhere near them, they reach out and grab you with their briars. Their stems are as tough as Kevlar, and it’s very difficult to cut them back.
But for one month of the year, blackberries pay you back with — blackberries. May was a good growing month, so June promises to be an outstandingly good blackberry month.
There will be pies.
Beautiful flowers. My daughter and son-in-law planted several blackberry bushes. The yield is phenomenal. Since I now live close by, have volunteered to help pick.
I fought the wild blackberries at the last house. Unreal how fast they spread. Birds usually beat me to the fruit.
My Uncle Tony used to live in Kenwood with his wife my Aunt Teresa (Sonoma County) in a rural setting…blackberry bushes everywhere. It was a treat to walk with him along the paths on his property picking berries, that my Aunt would magically turn into a Delicious Pie!