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Monthly Archives: February 2011

10-day-old plants

The baby plants for the winter garden are now 10 days old. So far, things are going pretty well for a first effort, but there are some problems. I’m afraid that some of the plants may already be too leggy. Some of the seeds weren’t deep enough, and some plants fell over, though they were […]

Work day

There was an area of garden I would have liked to till last fall, but I didn’t, because there were a couple of small trees in the way that needed to be transplanted first. Ken transplanted those trees today and did the tilling. We’re only about a month away, I hope, from planting the early […]

Spring fever day

Sunday was sunny, and the temperature was above 50F. Everyone, including the cat and the chickens, had spring fever. Even the cabbage and broccoli seeds, planted less than 48 hours ago, had sprouted in their little indoor hothouses (photos later this week when the plants are bigger). The chickens had a nice long day outside […]

Seed-starting day

Ken drops seeds into the seed-starting trays. A week from today, I expect to see baby vegetable plants.

Time to start seeds for the early garden

This year, I’m determined to start everything in the garden from seed, using heirloom seeds. If I’m calculating planting dates and starting times correctly, then now’s the time to start seeds indoors for the early garden — cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc. When those things are in the ground, then I’ll start the seeds […]