This Land Is Our Land

Ken has completed his next book, and it is due at the publisher this week. The book is This Land Is Our Land: How we lost the right to roam and how to take it back. It will be released next April.

The book came about after Ken published a piece in the New York Times last year, “This Is Our Country. Let’s Walk It.”

Ken calls the book radical. But having read the manuscript two or three times, I would say that it’s radical only to those who hold, as Ken says, a despotic view of property rights. The book is scholarly but very readable (as Ken always is). It’s brilliantly researched and documented, with 575 footnotes. It is, in many ways, a book about the law. But it also imagines a future that I’m pretty sure the readers of this blog would like.

2 thoughts on “This Land Is Our Land

  1. For any readers of this blog, it should be added that the idea for this book was hatched during an Acorn Abbey dinner table conversation–a meal accompanied with more than a couple of glasses of wine. At first, the goal was for the book to be quick and short (20,000 words), but I’ve been working on it for 1.5 years now and it’s grown to 70,000 words. It’s become a proper book.

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