Cooking for the cat


I guess it was inevitable that I’d eventually try making some homemade cat food to see if my cat, Lily, likes it. With some minor adjustments, I used this recipe from veterinarian Michael W. Fox. It’s a thick stew that sets up when it cools. It’s all meat (don’t ask) except for some mashed chickpeas and mashed yellow squash.

I put the cat food into Pyrex dishes that come with tight-fitting covers. I’ll freeze it. Dr. Fox recommends feeding it to the cat three times a week in addition to the cat’s regular rations.

If Lily doesn’t like it, I guess I’ll take it somewhere far from the house and dump it so that the varmints can have a feast.

2 thoughts on “Cooking for the cat”

  1. Did you feed Lily any of your homemade cat food yet?? Did she like it or did the nightly creatures have a feast??

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