If you’re not already a sprout farmer, and you’ve been thinking about getting started, winter is a good time to start. During the summer produce season, I don’t think much about sprouts. But during the winter, there’s no better and cheaper source of little vegetables.
The best source I’ve found for seeds and such is sproutpeople.com. They’re in San Francisco, and you can order online.
Hi David
Enjoy your sprouts with some great music – Steely Dan from the 80’s!
Merry Christmas and a great holiday to you.
Whishing you a very Merry Christmas!! I really enjoy your site and read it or check it every day. My husband loves the cookbook and has been reading it in his spare time. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge and your home with us out here in cyberspace!!! Hope your Holidays a very Merry!!!!
So glad you like the cookbook. It’s a treasure. A very merry Christmas to you too…