The chainsaw fights back

The severity of the overgrowth from the woods and old blackberry stalks is directly proportional to how long Ken has been away from the abbey. He had been away for quite some time, so the overgrowth was serious. Even the weed-whacker on wheels is defeated by blackberry stalks, so Ken took the chainsaw to them.

3 thoughts on “The chainsaw fights back”

  1. Blackberries can be quite insidious. Don’t recall this as a child. We gathered them and enjoyed fresh cobbler. Such a treat. But here in my backyard it’s a constant battle. A surfeit of riches perhaps.

  2. Hi James… I’m not certain, but it appears to me that this year’s blackberries grow on last year’s new stalk growth. It may be true that blackberry stalks older than two years are not productive and should be whacked.

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