хор мальчиков хорового училища им.М.И.Глинки

Russia, just now — as has often been the case — is poorly regarded and even feared in the West. But we might do well to keep in mind that the Russian people and the Russian oligarchs in the Kremlin are two very different Russias.

While watching a great many music videos on YouTube for a future post on the hymn “Abide With Me,” I came across this. It speaks for itself, though I don’t understand a word of it. Maybe, someday, we in the West will be able to engage the people of Russia without being turned aside by their terrible governments.

“хор мальчиков хорового училища им.М.И.Глинки,” I believe, translates to the Glinka Choral College Boys’ Choir.

A musical note: This piece keeps us contained almost to the point of suffocation in minor harmonies. But it ends softly on a major chord — a tierce de Picardie, or Picardy third, leaving us, at the end, with a feeling of hope.

3 thoughts on “хор мальчиков хорового училища им.М.И.Глинки”

  1. Beautiful composition and wonderfully performed. Sergei Dzevanovsky, longtime director of the choir, was a friend of mine until his untimely passing. I visited the choir school in St. Petersburg about ten years ago. The current director is Grasily Vachev. Actally, the piece ends on the dominant or fifth scale degree which is almost always a major triad in a minor key.

  2. Hi James: Lucky you! I’ve never had any particular interest to visit Russia, but, if I did, I’d go to St. Petersburg.

  3. I traveled across Russia on the Trans Siberian Railway eight years ago by myself. Was younger and more naive then. Have no desire to return while Putin is in power.

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