The vegetable plants at 3 weeks old

The vegetable plants that we started from seed are three weeks old today — cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery. When they were 16 days old, we transplanted the “sponges” from the starter dome into soil and peat moss cups. We ended up with 100 baby plants in peat moss cups, too many to fit under the grow light. We put our strongest plants under the grow light and moved the remainder to the south-facing bay window. All of them are doing fine. So far, I think the plants that have only window light are doing as well as the plants under the grow light.

When we move these plants outdoors will depend on the weather, but probably around March 15.

Next week we’ll start the seeds for the summer garden — tomatoes, squash, and so on.

These 30 plants were our culls. They’re now living in the bay window without a grow light.

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