From my morning walk. Click here for high-resolution version.
There are many beautiful hayfields in this area. I covet them. I have only woods. I’ve often talked about how much I’d like to have a pasture, or a field. Then again, maybe not. A hayfield is not a hayfield unless there also is a tractor with a mower and a baling machine. I don’t have such things, nor do I have the farmerly skill to use them.
Hay is a major crop in this area. Sadly, though, most of the hay goes to feed beef cattle. This is not horse country, though there are some. Country people love their beef. I can say this for their local beef, though. It’s all grass fed. The beef cattle all live in excellent pastures, and they winter over with local hay.
The political situation
I haven’t posted lately about the political situation. The changes have been dramatic, but everything is going well, and I have little to add. I would like to mention a piece in The New Republic today that detests the political punditry as much as I do. It’s “Beware the Pundit-Brained Version of the Democratic Convention.”
When a political event is on live television — for example, a president’s state of the union speech before a joint session of Congress — the brainlessness of the punditry is on full display. C-SPAN, if you can get it, may televise such events with no pundit “analysis.” But if you watch it anywhere else, you’ll have to listen to the inane and endless yipyap from witless talking heads that passes as analysis. I have not been watching the Democratic convention live. I do watch some of the speeches the day after, and, if there is yipyap, I skip over it.
⬆︎ Click here for high-resolution version.
⬆︎ The road past my house. The house is hidden behind the trees on the lower right. Click here for high-resolution version.
This hayfield plant has remarkably beautiful powers, but I well remember it from my rural Southern childhood and what its briars can do to children’s bare feet. I believe this is Carolina horsenettle, Solanum carolinense. Click here for high-resolution version.
What is YipYap? (Is it similar to M Kelly bitching about Walzs son being emotional?)
The pictures are just wonderful
When my grandparents had a bit of acreage a long time ago – they grew alfalfa – after mowing and baling – the air was sweet and moist – birds would be flitting up and down to bag those pesky bugs
The photographs show the real beauty of a rural setting. Being able to watch the high resolutions is a bonus. As to yipyap, there is definitely too much of it. I refuse to watch.
Lovely photos David
The sky looks on fire pic 1 and especially pic 2