
Whole-wheat flatbread; spinach, apple, and onion salad with Roquefort-garlic dressing; walnuts. Click here for high-resolution version.

Flatbreads are just as much a comfort food as any other hot bread. Plus they are quick and even healthy with the right flour. Whole-wheat flatbread works great, since whole-wheat breads rise poorly, and flatbreads don’t have to rise.

As for making the flatbreads puff up, I’m not the best at that. But whether they puff or not, they’re just as good.

I am no expert on flatbreads, though I make them fairly often. I’d recommend watching a YouTube video of a South Asian cook making flatbread. The trick is in having the dough moist enough, rolling to just the right thickness, having the pan just hot enough, and flipping at just the right time. My flatbreads puff only about a third of the time, but I’ve stopped worrying about it, even as I try to get better at it.

I use only flour and water in flatbreads. I don’t even add salt. For some reason that I can’t explain, unsalted flatbread has its own somehow special flavor that contrasts with whatever salty food you’re having with it.

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