I had email from John Twelve Hawks this afternoon. He had seen my recent blog post, in which I mentioned speculation in some big-city literary circles that John Twelve Hawks is a pseudonym for James Frey. “… I can confirm … I’m not James Frey,” John Twelve Hawks writes in the email.
He also included a link to a piece in New York magazine (November 2010) that paints a very, um, interesting portrait of James Frey.
I have a tremendous respect for John Twelve Hawks as a writer. For James Frey, none. You’ll see why I have such a low opinion of James Frey if you read the New York magazine piece.
In my Googling on this subject, I have not previously come across a statement from John Twelve Hawks on this. For all I know, this blog post may be John Twelve Hawks’ first public denial of any connection to James Frey. Frey, however, was very willing to milk the publicity and exploit John Twelve Hawks’ reputation. Frey told the New York Post, “I will neither confirm nor deny that I am John Twelve Hawks.” Yeah, whatever, James Frey.