In times like these, we need stories more than ever. About 46 percent of the people around us have proven themselves morally insane. Powerful forces (I wouldn’t hesitate to use the world evil) are doing everything possible to push the country deeper and deeper into a state of hatred and delusion. A madman has been installed in the White House, and he has surrounded himself with a cast of some of the most dangerous and character-deformed people to be found in the world today.
We look to HBO — which gave us Game of Thrones — to anchor us in some kind of meaningful culture, to distract us, and to help us find some direction in terrifying times. But what has HBO given us now? An absurd series called “The Young Pope.” All Jude Law lacks is orange hair and a little more gold in the decor.
There is no story in “The Young Pope,” as far as I can tell. There are no likable or interesting characters. There is only cruelty, irony, a meaningless sequence of meaningless scenes, and one quirky device after another that is supposed to deceive us into thinking that it’s edgy and good. I haven’t — and won’t — watch the second episode, but I understand it has a kangaroo in it. Need I say more?
One more insulting miscalculation like this, HBO, and I’m canceling the $16 a month I pay you for streaming. “The Young Pope” isn’t just bad. It makes me worry that somebody is putting something in the water.
I got through episode 1, then I got lost in 2 but let it finish. Made it through about 15 minutes of 3, turned it off, went back to it, and turned it off again about five minutes later. No more. Ready for GoT season 7. Keeping HBO Now for documentaries and full series of shows I know I like.